Good article, I agree with most of your points. It is very clear, for those with “eyes to see”, that this man could quite possibly be the prophesied man of sin, the son of perdition. Most in the church (if you can call it that), cannot see it simply because their priorities and their worldview and really their heart is in the wrong place. A simple litmus test is this, Do you as a “Christian” long for the coming and glorious appearing of your King…is this your blessed hope? Or do you instead hope that this event is far off in the future because you have your own plans and you are so attached to this world that you can’t let go of it?
One event that stands out this year and was without a doubt a sign in the heavens, was the great American solar eclipse. Many in the church including even the false church discerned that something amazing was happening but couldn’t quite figure it out. Well a giant X being formed over the nation that most closely resembles a revived Roman Empire or Babylon is a very ominous warning indeed! Was it a warning that the beast was about to rise to power and that this nation has been judged by the Almighty? I believe it is exactly that.
My wife and I had the privilege to travel through Texas a few months ago and we stopped by an amazing place in Kerville, Tx known simply as The Garden of the Coming King. It is a beautiful sculpture garden dedicated to the coming King of Revelation chapter 19. It is also home of an enormous cross known as “the empty cross” which stands exactly 77 feet and 7 inches in height. It also happens to be the exact place where the 2 solar eclipses overlapped. The imagery and sculptures were surreal. Standing next to the cross is a giant sculpture of Jesus riding on a white horse with a shofar in one hand and a sword in the other hand. If you are paying attention, the signs have all converged, the appointed time has come, and more importantly Jesus is coming!
Clint, I researched Kerville, TX during the eclipses. I found it amazing that the two eclipses overlapped. That was by G-D's perfect design. The final eclipse in April this year was extremely prophetic. And as you mentioned, many knew the eclipse meant something. When trump was almost killed and then voted back into power those two signs became very important. The word 'Coincidence' does not exist with G-D.
You said: "Or do you instead hope that this event is far off in the future because you have your own plans and you are so attached to this world that you can’t let go of it?" Yes, You said it just right. A woman told me she didn't want JESUS/YESHUA to come yet because she wanted to become a grandmother first. A man told me he still had a lot to do on this earth. The churches in America, it seems, are silent. Not all but most.
If January 20 comes and go and trump didn't receive a fatal wound then I he can't be the 8th king/beast in Revelation Ch 17. If he received the fatal wound after January 20 then the time he was dead before healing from the fatal wound would mean the vice president would take his place and the vice president would become the ninth king. Revelation Ch 17 says 'Eighth King'. There is no ninth.
It's intense. Clint, brother, I pray our LORD YESHUA/JESUS takes us home before I can finish writing this. Even so, come LORD YESHUA/JESUS. Amen.
G-D Bless you and your family. Shalom and blessings.
Is there a good guide for the Gemetria? The early church had a good sense that many of the numbers in Scripture were intentional (Augustine), though not all (Irenaeus debunked the gnostics' misuse of numbers, but used numbers to do it).
The Prostitute (Isa 1:21) must be trampled first. I had a vision that American Evangelicalism (specifically the Billy Graham Center) was swallowed up in a symbolic flood of terror (Psa 32:6), and in its place stood the last remnants of the wall of Jericho, Rahab's section of the wall. The channels of the sea were exposed (Psa 18). I had the dream back in 2015 when I was in the Caribbean. It terrified me so much I thought a tsunami was coming, and kept glancing nervously at the ocean.
Rahab was called out of Jericho, just as God calls his people out of Babylon. The feet of the poor trampled the city, as they will again (Isa 26).
I had another fearful dream of a mountain throwing itself down in great violence.
In the first dream, God saved me alone from the flood. In the second I had a helper with me, one who had the kindness of my mother.
My sense of Trump is that he is to American Evangelicalism, which has prostituted itself to false doctrine, what Abimelech was to Shechem. I wonder if John was thinking of that story when he penned Revelation 17. Like all new testament writers, he was making constant allusions to the Law and prophets.
Greg, I'm not very familiar with gemetria, sorry. There are a few websites I've seen but I never looked deeply into it. I've had a few dreams. On July 24 2021 I woke up and heard 'JESUS coming' and then a quick pause and then 'Wednesday 8th'. Before that, a few years before I had a dream where a teenager said to another teenager, "Did he say JESUS is coming on a Wednesday?'. My wife had a dream Manhattan was destroyed and people were fleeing into New Jersey.
I belive dreams are very important. Thank you for sharing yours. G-D bless you.
The falling of the trade towers does seem like a pre-saging of Isaiah 30, fulfilled in the destruction of this Babylon, but also fulfilled more comprehensively against the city of man. They're always seems to be recurring fulfillment of prophecy, especially with the repetition of The Exodus as a predictor of the future.
New York certainly has received many warnings, and is that center of trade that represents the buying and selling of everything, including the "bodies and souls of men" The whole of the modern economy has turned us all into commodities, making the love of most grow cold, and resulting in God being absent as people try to pursue their own goals and pleasures--the very thing Christ describes in Matthew 24:38.
I would far rather grieve in a sane mind, than be happy in their madness. "Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech, among the tents of Kedar."
I'd much rather cut wood and carry water where there is fullness of joy, then live in the dead, cut up, puzzle-picture of the world of men.
May G-d's face shine upon you! May he turn to you and be gracious!
I looked through the ancient Christian Commentary and the Expositor's Bible Commentary (which summarizes other commentaries, with added analysis), and the overwhelming consensus is that the whor is the great city, the beast the principalities and powers of the air behind it (Isa 14), the seven heads the weak opposite to the seven-fold Spirit of G-D, and the 10 kings similar to those subordinate kingdoms who sacked Rome.
I have no doubt there are many who wish to see America's economic center destroyed, not the least of which are its own people. The buying and selling of everything, the reducing of people to a factor of labor, human trafficking, or an unwanted inconvenience (the unborn) all falls under Molech worship: the idea that certain people gain by sacrificing others.
Asherah (Venus) and Tammuz (Adonis) are also clearly being worshiped in this Babylon, where people give and take pleasure, but have no idea how to share it in the true sSpirit of Shalom. Even the church provides a very squalled view of marriage, having lost the idea of that marriage is liturgical partnership, centered around the Hebrew word for "answer," and probably demonstrated with Rahab and Salmon, Boaz and Ruth in mutual covering, feeding, exhortation, comfort, and in Psalm 145 and Colossians 3 as antiphonal recounting of G-D's faithfulness.
The question for me, is how Christ's statement, "Judgment begins with the household of G-D" applies to the coming destruction. The Psalms and Prophets make very clear that G-D's peace only comes as a fruit after pruning judgment, lifting up the humble, and crushing the proud. The destruction of The Temple preceded the two diasporas; and the equivalent for our age would be the destruction of the religion of lawless grace: American Evangelicalism and it's counterparts throughout the world.
The time of the gentiles must end not only economically and nationally, but religiously. All of us must be taught to sing the Song of Moses, recognizing G-D's favor, and His pruning wrath as the care and discipline of a loving Father, who alone has authority per Deut 32:39
As far as any persecution is concerned, Solomon provided us all great comfort in Ecclesiastes: "The day of death is better than the day of birth," to which Paul adds " it is better to depart and be with the Lord." G-D has appointed some to martyrdom, though most of those who will appear to be martyrs are simply G-D's enemies per Deut 29:18-21, Psalms 50 & 69, and II Tim 3
It's amazing how much Paul alluded to the Old Testament, and I firmly believe Deuteronomy 29 defines who the man of lawlessness is: more a type then an individual. That type was present in the prostituted Lutheran Church when it followed Hitler, and in the American Church, with the Dispensationalism that flagrantly rebelled against Ex 22:21-24 with regard to chattel slavery and manifest destiny (Hitler drew on This lawlessness for his own purposes).
I firmly believe Trump is looking for a fanatical element among his own supporters to sacrifice, in order to draw people together on false pretense. Catharsis and compromise always work, and there is no better way to unify with the opposition than to sacrifice some of your own people. It opens the way to sacrifice radical leftist elements, and proceed in targeting voices of opposition like Stalin or Hitler. If you look across history, radical elements seem to be encouraged and cultivated in order to provide apparent relief to the masses, by "flushing them down the sewer pipes," as Solzhenitsyn called it. It's a predictable modus operandi, and can only be dealt with in prayer, as Daniel proves to us. He understood Psa 4:6-8. Eph 2:10, Heb 4:16, the focus of Revelation all point to: "set your mind on things above," namely on G-D'S countenance. His throne is the center of the story. "Our G-D is in heaven, He does all he pleases."
Greg, this is what is great about substack. The fellowship between brothers. I'm a little under the weather right now and my mind isn't as clear as I want it to be. Please forgive me for not being able to give a long response. I've been getting over an upper respiratory infection that seems to want to keep hanging on. Feel very tried tonight.
G-D Bless, you, brother. Please keep me in your prayers.
What a day that will be when our JESUS/YESHUA we will see. When we look upon HIS Face, the ONE who saved us by HIS Grace. And when HE takes us by the hand and leads us through the promised land, what a day--glorious day--that will be!
What I’m trying to say is we have no control. Only God Almighty has control. It is good to be watchful (politics and events), but prophecy has to be fulfilled, either way.
We limit ourselves when we allow the fear mongering to affect us. We need to keep focus on the Word, of the Almighty.
Acts Ch 2: 17 'ADONAI says: "In the Last Days, I will pour out from my Spirit upon everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my slaves, both men and women, will I pour out from my Spirit in those days; and they will prophesy
Shalom Paul!
Good article, I agree with most of your points. It is very clear, for those with “eyes to see”, that this man could quite possibly be the prophesied man of sin, the son of perdition. Most in the church (if you can call it that), cannot see it simply because their priorities and their worldview and really their heart is in the wrong place. A simple litmus test is this, Do you as a “Christian” long for the coming and glorious appearing of your King…is this your blessed hope? Or do you instead hope that this event is far off in the future because you have your own plans and you are so attached to this world that you can’t let go of it?
One event that stands out this year and was without a doubt a sign in the heavens, was the great American solar eclipse. Many in the church including even the false church discerned that something amazing was happening but couldn’t quite figure it out. Well a giant X being formed over the nation that most closely resembles a revived Roman Empire or Babylon is a very ominous warning indeed! Was it a warning that the beast was about to rise to power and that this nation has been judged by the Almighty? I believe it is exactly that.
My wife and I had the privilege to travel through Texas a few months ago and we stopped by an amazing place in Kerville, Tx known simply as The Garden of the Coming King. It is a beautiful sculpture garden dedicated to the coming King of Revelation chapter 19. It is also home of an enormous cross known as “the empty cross” which stands exactly 77 feet and 7 inches in height. It also happens to be the exact place where the 2 solar eclipses overlapped. The imagery and sculptures were surreal. Standing next to the cross is a giant sculpture of Jesus riding on a white horse with a shofar in one hand and a sword in the other hand. If you are paying attention, the signs have all converged, the appointed time has come, and more importantly Jesus is coming!
Clint, I researched Kerville, TX during the eclipses. I found it amazing that the two eclipses overlapped. That was by G-D's perfect design. The final eclipse in April this year was extremely prophetic. And as you mentioned, many knew the eclipse meant something. When trump was almost killed and then voted back into power those two signs became very important. The word 'Coincidence' does not exist with G-D.
You said: "Or do you instead hope that this event is far off in the future because you have your own plans and you are so attached to this world that you can’t let go of it?" Yes, You said it just right. A woman told me she didn't want JESUS/YESHUA to come yet because she wanted to become a grandmother first. A man told me he still had a lot to do on this earth. The churches in America, it seems, are silent. Not all but most.
If January 20 comes and go and trump didn't receive a fatal wound then I he can't be the 8th king/beast in Revelation Ch 17. If he received the fatal wound after January 20 then the time he was dead before healing from the fatal wound would mean the vice president would take his place and the vice president would become the ninth king. Revelation Ch 17 says 'Eighth King'. There is no ninth.
It's intense. Clint, brother, I pray our LORD YESHUA/JESUS takes us home before I can finish writing this. Even so, come LORD YESHUA/JESUS. Amen.
G-D Bless you and your family. Shalom and blessings.
Is there a good guide for the Gemetria? The early church had a good sense that many of the numbers in Scripture were intentional (Augustine), though not all (Irenaeus debunked the gnostics' misuse of numbers, but used numbers to do it).
The Prostitute (Isa 1:21) must be trampled first. I had a vision that American Evangelicalism (specifically the Billy Graham Center) was swallowed up in a symbolic flood of terror (Psa 32:6), and in its place stood the last remnants of the wall of Jericho, Rahab's section of the wall. The channels of the sea were exposed (Psa 18). I had the dream back in 2015 when I was in the Caribbean. It terrified me so much I thought a tsunami was coming, and kept glancing nervously at the ocean.
Rahab was called out of Jericho, just as God calls his people out of Babylon. The feet of the poor trampled the city, as they will again (Isa 26).
I had another fearful dream of a mountain throwing itself down in great violence.
In the first dream, God saved me alone from the flood. In the second I had a helper with me, one who had the kindness of my mother.
My sense of Trump is that he is to American Evangelicalism, which has prostituted itself to false doctrine, what Abimelech was to Shechem. I wonder if John was thinking of that story when he penned Revelation 17. Like all new testament writers, he was making constant allusions to the Law and prophets.
Greg, I'm not very familiar with gemetria, sorry. There are a few websites I've seen but I never looked deeply into it. I've had a few dreams. On July 24 2021 I woke up and heard 'JESUS coming' and then a quick pause and then 'Wednesday 8th'. Before that, a few years before I had a dream where a teenager said to another teenager, "Did he say JESUS is coming on a Wednesday?'. My wife had a dream Manhattan was destroyed and people were fleeing into New Jersey.
I belive dreams are very important. Thank you for sharing yours. G-D bless you.
The falling of the trade towers does seem like a pre-saging of Isaiah 30, fulfilled in the destruction of this Babylon, but also fulfilled more comprehensively against the city of man. They're always seems to be recurring fulfillment of prophecy, especially with the repetition of The Exodus as a predictor of the future.
New York certainly has received many warnings, and is that center of trade that represents the buying and selling of everything, including the "bodies and souls of men" The whole of the modern economy has turned us all into commodities, making the love of most grow cold, and resulting in God being absent as people try to pursue their own goals and pleasures--the very thing Christ describes in Matthew 24:38.
I would far rather grieve in a sane mind, than be happy in their madness. "Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech, among the tents of Kedar."
I'd much rather cut wood and carry water where there is fullness of joy, then live in the dead, cut up, puzzle-picture of the world of men.
May G-d's face shine upon you! May he turn to you and be gracious!
Thank you, Greg. I believer Manhattan is the Whore Babylon in Revelation Ch 17 and 18.
Whew. Almost been up twenty four hours with just three hours sleep. Time for me to get some sleep. Have a blessed day and may G-D bless you always.
Grace and Peace to you Paul,
I looked through the ancient Christian Commentary and the Expositor's Bible Commentary (which summarizes other commentaries, with added analysis), and the overwhelming consensus is that the whor is the great city, the beast the principalities and powers of the air behind it (Isa 14), the seven heads the weak opposite to the seven-fold Spirit of G-D, and the 10 kings similar to those subordinate kingdoms who sacked Rome.
I have no doubt there are many who wish to see America's economic center destroyed, not the least of which are its own people. The buying and selling of everything, the reducing of people to a factor of labor, human trafficking, or an unwanted inconvenience (the unborn) all falls under Molech worship: the idea that certain people gain by sacrificing others.
Asherah (Venus) and Tammuz (Adonis) are also clearly being worshiped in this Babylon, where people give and take pleasure, but have no idea how to share it in the true sSpirit of Shalom. Even the church provides a very squalled view of marriage, having lost the idea of that marriage is liturgical partnership, centered around the Hebrew word for "answer," and probably demonstrated with Rahab and Salmon, Boaz and Ruth in mutual covering, feeding, exhortation, comfort, and in Psalm 145 and Colossians 3 as antiphonal recounting of G-D's faithfulness.
The question for me, is how Christ's statement, "Judgment begins with the household of G-D" applies to the coming destruction. The Psalms and Prophets make very clear that G-D's peace only comes as a fruit after pruning judgment, lifting up the humble, and crushing the proud. The destruction of The Temple preceded the two diasporas; and the equivalent for our age would be the destruction of the religion of lawless grace: American Evangelicalism and it's counterparts throughout the world.
The time of the gentiles must end not only economically and nationally, but religiously. All of us must be taught to sing the Song of Moses, recognizing G-D's favor, and His pruning wrath as the care and discipline of a loving Father, who alone has authority per Deut 32:39
As far as any persecution is concerned, Solomon provided us all great comfort in Ecclesiastes: "The day of death is better than the day of birth," to which Paul adds " it is better to depart and be with the Lord." G-D has appointed some to martyrdom, though most of those who will appear to be martyrs are simply G-D's enemies per Deut 29:18-21, Psalms 50 & 69, and II Tim 3
It's amazing how much Paul alluded to the Old Testament, and I firmly believe Deuteronomy 29 defines who the man of lawlessness is: more a type then an individual. That type was present in the prostituted Lutheran Church when it followed Hitler, and in the American Church, with the Dispensationalism that flagrantly rebelled against Ex 22:21-24 with regard to chattel slavery and manifest destiny (Hitler drew on This lawlessness for his own purposes).
I firmly believe Trump is looking for a fanatical element among his own supporters to sacrifice, in order to draw people together on false pretense. Catharsis and compromise always work, and there is no better way to unify with the opposition than to sacrifice some of your own people. It opens the way to sacrifice radical leftist elements, and proceed in targeting voices of opposition like Stalin or Hitler. If you look across history, radical elements seem to be encouraged and cultivated in order to provide apparent relief to the masses, by "flushing them down the sewer pipes," as Solzhenitsyn called it. It's a predictable modus operandi, and can only be dealt with in prayer, as Daniel proves to us. He understood Psa 4:6-8. Eph 2:10, Heb 4:16, the focus of Revelation all point to: "set your mind on things above," namely on G-D'S countenance. His throne is the center of the story. "Our G-D is in heaven, He does all he pleases."
Greg, this is what is great about substack. The fellowship between brothers. I'm a little under the weather right now and my mind isn't as clear as I want it to be. Please forgive me for not being able to give a long response. I've been getting over an upper respiratory infection that seems to want to keep hanging on. Feel very tried tonight.
G-D Bless, you, brother. Please keep me in your prayers.
He’s coming soon, He’s coming soon, with joy we welcome His returning. It may be morn, it may be night or noon. We know He’s coming soon.
What a day that will be when our JESUS/YESHUA we will see. When we look upon HIS Face, the ONE who saved us by HIS Grace. And when HE takes us by the hand and leads us through the promised land, what a day--glorious day--that will be!
Let us then be true and faithful, trusting serving everyday, just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay!
When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory!
God Almighty through Christ our King is in charge and in control. It’s good to be watchful, but prophecy has to be fulfill. God is not a liar.
I'm not sure what you're saying? If trump is the 8th king/beast that is Prophecy being fulfilled in accordance with Revelation Ch 13 and 17
G-D Bless, you. Thank you for your response.
Shalom and blessings.
What I’m trying to say is we have no control. Only God Almighty has control. It is good to be watchful (politics and events), but prophecy has to be fulfilled, either way.
We limit ourselves when we allow the fear mongering to affect us. We need to keep focus on the Word, of the Almighty.
Acts Ch 2: 17 'ADONAI says: "In the Last Days, I will pour out from my Spirit upon everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my slaves, both men and women, will I pour out from my Spirit in those days; and they will prophesy
Shalom and blessings