Take a good, hard, look at the photo above.
Now I want you to ask yourself this: What was G-D showing the world?
Look at the two blood lines on the face and where they are connected to and protruding out from. Zoom into the photos if you need to.
Nothing happens without G-D’s Authority and Approval. Everything that was predestined to happen before the world was formed. G-D created HIS Will for mankind before HE formed the world.
The blood lines on the face is not chance or simply wound marks and so on. The blood lines on the face are a sign from G-D. I firmly believe that.
What other signs are there?
Let’s review:
trump was born on a blood moon on June 14 1946. The blood moon took place in the constellation Ophiuchus (known as the restrainer. Ophiuchus is holding back the snake from reaching the crown). How many Christians are deveived today and see trump as Ophiuchus?
trump was born 701 days (using the end day, 700 days not using the end date) before Israel declared her independence on May 14 1948 (notice the two 14’s). 14 is 7 doubled. We see trump born in the 14th 701 days before Israel delcared her independence. That isn’t by chance.
Meaning of the number 14: Fourteen arbah esre (f) arba’ah asar (m) Multiple of SEVEN, a double measure. The number of the Messiah. To reproduce, recreate, disciple, servant, bond-servant. The moon is nearly full on the fourteenth day of each Hebrew month, symbolizing fullness, revelation, and increased (spiritual) light.
Fourteenth Hebrew Letter: Nun Numerical value of 50. Pictographic meaning life, fish, seed, heir, productiveness, continuity, permanence, prophetic, multiplication.
Jacob served Laban for fourteen years to marry Leah and Rachel. (Gen. 31:41)
After the rebellion of Korah, the people accused Moses of killing the LORD’s people. A plague then consumed 14,700 of them. (Notice the 7s). (Num. 16:49)
Every day of Sukkot (Tabernacles), a 7-day feast, 14 lambs were offered. (Num. 29)
Solomon celebrated Sukkot for fourteen days when he dedicated the first Temple of YHWH. (1 Kings 8)
The genealogy of the Messiah is divided up and given in two sets of fourteen (Mt. 1). David’s name has a numeric value of 14 (dalet, vav, dalet). This is one way that Matthew connected Messiah with David in his gospel.
Paul says that he waited fourteen years to go up to Jerusalem a second time to meet with the Jerusalem council in Acts 15. (Gal. 2:1) This speaks to one being patient and gaining wisdom and experience before pushing ahead with an agenda — even if it is from Elohim!
trump became very wealthy and lived in New York. The Trump Towers is in Manhattan (The Great Whore Babylon).
trump was on the reality show the Apprentice (which made me think of the devil’s apprentice).
trump became the 45th president of the United States at the age of 70. Now he’s the 47th. 45 plus 47 = 92. Interesting fact about the number 92: The Greek word apollumi (Strong's #G622) is found 92 times in 86 Greek New Testament verses. It is written the most in Luke (28 times) followed by Matthew (20) and then Mark (10). The word, literally and figurately, means to destroy, kill, perish, lose, or ruin.
And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy (apollumi) him (Matthew 2;13, KJV).
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed (apollumi) them all (Luke 17:29, KJV).
trump was shot on July 13 2024 (1279 days biden quit the presidential race). Two blood lines showing a snakes forked tongue appeared on his face. Not by chance.
trump was shot in Butler, PA at the age of 78. When you add the letters of the name ‘Butler’ together you get the number 78. b=2, u=21, t=20, l=12. e=5, r=18.
July 13 2024 was a Shabbat. The Hebrew date was 7 tammuz (remember the number 14, a double of 7 and trump was born 701 days before Israel declcared her independence). The Torah reading was Chukat (Numbers Ch 19:1-22:1) which includes the plague of venomous snakes.
Israel sees trump as some sort of friend and savior. He led Israel to sign the Abraham Accords on September 15. 2020. When the beast makes a covenant with many (that will include Israel) in Daniel Ch 9, who will Israel be willing to make a covenant with? A Jew hating democrat or someone they think is their friend? Remember the two lines of blood that formed the snakes tongue on trumps face.
Daniel Ch 8: 25 He will succeed through craftiness and deceit, become swelled with pride, and destroy many people just when they feel the most secure. He will even challenge the prince of princes; but, without human intervention, he will be broken.
Revelation Ch 17: 9 This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven hills on which the woman is sitting; also they are seven kings -
10 five have fallen, one is living now and the other is yet to come; and when he does come, he must remain only a little while.
11 The beast which once was and now is not is an eighth king; it comes from the seven and is on its way to destruction.
trump is the only one who fits the description in Revelation Ch 17. He was a president, then he wasn’t and now he’s voted back into power—by people who see him as some sort of savior. As far as the 7th king only being in power for a short time remember that biden, the 7th king, ended his term on July 21 2024 (1279 days from when he took office), a short time. Now biden is president by name only, not by power.
The 7 Hills the 7 Kings sit on:
MAGA means witchcraft/sorcery in Latin and many people are devieved by trump
trump became president again when after the Times of Jacobs Trouble started which I believe was October 7 2023.
trump became president again in the same year the final eclipse completed the ‘X’ or Alpeh and Tav’ across America.
trump will be 82 when his last term ends. A connection to the number 82: The Hebrew primitive root word qalal (Strong's #H7043) is recorded 82 in the original language of the Old Testament. It is written the most in 2Samuel (11 times) followed by Leviticus (7). The word is many times utilized to refer to something that is proclaimed to be cursed, despised, or of little value
trumps term ends on January 20 2029—a Shabbabt. The Torah reading for that Shabbat is: Bo, which includes the last three plagues of G-D on Egypt, The Passover Lamb (YEHSUA/JESUS) and the Jewish people leaving Egypt. Think heavily on that.
On January 14 2029 there will be a partial solar eclipse over America.
On December 31 2028 there will be a full blood moon over much of the world (the New Year of 2029 will begin in Blood—the same year trumps last term ends) The blood moon will take place in Gemini, the Twins.
And remember: trump called himself the ‘Chosen one’ on August 21 2019, two years after the Great American eclipse.
Do you see all the prophetic connections? There are countless more.
G-D is showing HIS people. This is why Revelation Ch 17:9 calls for a mind with Wisdom. We can’t understand any of this without the HOLY SPIRIT revealing the Truth to us.
All I’m asking you to do is look at the prophetic truths and pray for discernment. Please not do be deceived by the 8th king/beast.
If trump is the 8th king/beast then the rapture is extremely close. I’m looking for trump to receive a fatal wound by January 20th and then the entire world will follow after him as taught in Revelation Ch 13. What if I’m wrong? Only time will tell. I fear I’m not.
G-D is not a G-D of confusion. Remember that.
But we had to vote. Harris would have won if we didn’t vote. That is the mainstream reponse. My response: Are you not citizens of Heaven? Why are you not picking up your cross and following YESHUA/JESUS as HE commanded? Why are you so determined to save a nation that muders millions of unborn babies in the womb? The answer: because millions of Christians are still clinging to the world and not G-D.
This is why, again, Revelation Ch 17:9 calls for a mind with Wisdom—not an early, carnal, mind.
1 Corinthians Ch 2: 14 Now the natural man does not receive the things from the Spirit of God - to him they are nonsense! Moreover, he is unable to grasp them, because they are evaluated through the Spirit.
15 But the person who has the Spirit can evaluate everything, while no one is in a position to evaluate him. For who has known the mind of ADONAI? Who will counsel him? But we have the mind of the Messiah!
Shalom Paul!
Good article, I agree with most of your points. It is very clear, for those with “eyes to see”, that this man could quite possibly be the prophesied man of sin, the son of perdition. Most in the church (if you can call it that), cannot see it simply because their priorities and their worldview and really their heart is in the wrong place. A simple litmus test is this, Do you as a “Christian” long for the coming and glorious appearing of your King…is this your blessed hope? Or do you instead hope that this event is far off in the future because you have your own plans and you are so attached to this world that you can’t let go of it?
One event that stands out this year and was without a doubt a sign in the heavens, was the great American solar eclipse. Many in the church including even the false church discerned that something amazing was happening but couldn’t quite figure it out. Well a giant X being formed over the nation that most closely resembles a revived Roman Empire or Babylon is a very ominous warning indeed! Was it a warning that the beast was about to rise to power and that this nation has been judged by the Almighty? I believe it is exactly that.
My wife and I had the privilege to travel through Texas a few months ago and we stopped by an amazing place in Kerville, Tx known simply as The Garden of the Coming King. It is a beautiful sculpture garden dedicated to the coming King of Revelation chapter 19. It is also home of an enormous cross known as “the empty cross” which stands exactly 77 feet and 7 inches in height. It also happens to be the exact place where the 2 solar eclipses overlapped. The imagery and sculptures were surreal. Standing next to the cross is a giant sculpture of Jesus riding on a white horse with a shofar in one hand and a sword in the other hand. If you are paying attention, the signs have all converged, the appointed time has come, and more importantly Jesus is coming!
Is there a good guide for the Gemetria? The early church had a good sense that many of the numbers in Scripture were intentional (Augustine), though not all (Irenaeus debunked the gnostics' misuse of numbers, but used numbers to do it).
The Prostitute (Isa 1:21) must be trampled first. I had a vision that American Evangelicalism (specifically the Billy Graham Center) was swallowed up in a symbolic flood of terror (Psa 32:6), and in its place stood the last remnants of the wall of Jericho, Rahab's section of the wall. The channels of the sea were exposed (Psa 18). I had the dream back in 2015 when I was in the Caribbean. It terrified me so much I thought a tsunami was coming, and kept glancing nervously at the ocean.
Rahab was called out of Jericho, just as God calls his people out of Babylon. The feet of the poor trampled the city, as they will again (Isa 26).
I had another fearful dream of a mountain throwing itself down in great violence.
In the first dream, God saved me alone from the flood. In the second I had a helper with me, one who had the kindness of my mother.
My sense of Trump is that he is to American Evangelicalism, which has prostituted itself to false doctrine, what Abimelech was to Shechem. I wonder if John was thinking of that story when he penned Revelation 17. Like all new testament writers, he was making constant allusions to the Law and prophets.