***Before I write this I want to once again state I’m not date setting and never will. I’m offering my opinion, not a fact. Keep that in mind as you read. Thank you.***
Is it time for the rapture? Is so, when? How will the rapture be like? What time of day? What will I be doing? Will there be a major war going on or about to start? Will everything be normal?
There are countless questions that rise from the very thought of the rapture happening. I know I have many questions myself. The one question I always ask my family is this: “What do you think the rapture will be like?”
These are the main two responses: Fast and peaceful.
I’ve seen a few rapture movies. I may not agree with the movie but I do enjoy the rapture scenes. Each movie portrays a different rapture scene. The original ‘Left Behind’ movie had a very interesting rapture scene. ‘Revelation Road’ had an intense rapture scene that was a bit too far fetched for me. My favorite rapture scene is from the 1970’s rapture movie ‘A Thief In The Night’. The rapture scene is simple but profound. But will the rapture be like a scene from a movie? Yes? No? Maybe? In a way maybe the answer lies in between.
When the rapture happens people will be at work, school, shopping, asleep, on the computer, on the phone, on planes, trains and in their vehicles. When the rapture happens the world will be functioning on some level of normalcy because that what people demand regardless of the evils around them. I personally want to be with my family when the rapture happens—but I don’t think my location will matter because we will be together in a nanosecond.
What happens after the rapture will be devastating but the world will not end. The Bible teaches us in the Book of Revelation that the world will not only continue, but grow more evil. There will be a demonic system established that many call the ‘Beast System’. The mark of the beast will be set up around the world. This will require control by a one world government headed by the 8th King/Beast mentioned in Revelation Ch 17. The rapture will not end the world.
So what is the purpose of the rapture? To save G-D’s children from being devoured by he dragon (Revelation Ch 12:4). The male child in mentioned in Revelation Ch 12:5 is the Body of YESHUA/JESUS. I firmly believe that in the depth of my heart.
If the dragon is going to devour the child then that means the dragon has power to do it. To me that signifies an intense falling away from G-D’s Holy Word among mankind and a demonic increase in wickedness across the planet. Are we seeing that? We’ve been seeing it for centuries, but the climax appears to be taking place right here and now.
I always pay attention to Daniel Ch 8:23
Daniel Ch 8:23 In the latter part of their reign, when the evildoers have become as evil as possible, there will arise an arrogant king skilled in intrigue.
Do you notice the verse clearly teaches when the ‘evildoers have become as evil as possible’ there will arise an arrogant king skilled in ‘Intrigue’.
I want to investigate this verse very carefully. This verse connects the spiritual condition of mankind to the beast (some call it the antichrist—I call it what Revelation Ch a3 and 17 calls it).
Before the beast arises the evildoers will have to become as evil as possible? Why? My personal opinion is because they will be the ones to worship the beast and take the mark of the beast. When I look around the world today I see a world filled with evildoers who have become as evil as possible. The worst of the evil is the countless and continuous murder of innocent unborn babies. The people demand the governments of their country protect their ‘Rights’ to murder unborn babies under the term ‘Women’s Health’. You have women ‘Shouting their abortions’ with demonic pride. I could go on and on but I know you get the point.
Do we see a world that will bow down the beast and take it’s mark? Do we see a world that has the technology and control to implement such a demonic system? Do we see a world ruler skilled in ‘Intrigue’? The answer to those questions is yes.
As I stated many times I believe donald trump is the 8th king/beast mentioned in Revelation Ch 17. Please read my two previous articles that I wrote on that vital issue.
If donald trump is the 8th king/beast then the spiritual condition of the world would have to be evil and the evildoers would have to be as evil as possible. Do I see this? Yes. The entire world has circled back to the Days of Noah/Lot (Luke Ch 17). The majority of the churches are luke warm. You can’t tell people who call themselves Christians (not all, mind you) from the tares. You have abominations, murder, crime, sexually immorally, corruption, violence, hatred, theft, lies—and on and on—everywhere. Yet people (not all) keep their heads in the sand. Just as long as society can have their smart phone, facebook and starbucks coffee everything is good.
Was it like this in the 1930s? But as the decades progressed you can clearly see the spiritual and moral decline happen at a rapid pace. You can clearly see the world becoming more evil as each decade passed. You can clearly see the changes in mankind—people, society, governments, etc. Worst of all you can clearly see the changes in the churches. Openly gay people call themselves ‘Pastors’ now. This is the world we live in today. The evildoers have become as evil as possible and have tried to change G-D’s Holy Word into their wicked doctrines of demons.
Now we’re going to go back to Revelation Ch 12:4
Revelation Ch 12:4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of heaven and threw them down to the earth. It stood in front of the woman about to give birth, so that it might devour the child the moment it was born.
I urge you to pay attention to the dragon wanting to devour the child the moment it is born.
Many questions arise.
Where is the woman’s husband?
Does the woman know the dragon is in front of her (I think so, yes)
Why isn’t anyone trying to protect the woman?
Who is the woman?
How is the dragon going to devour the child if the child is the Body of YESHUA/JESUS? How can the dragon devour a global body of believers?
The dragon isn’t on earth so where is it standing in front of the woman (the dragon isn’t thrown down to earth until after the male child is born).
These are questions I have been studying on for quite some time. Question #7 is a recent question. I personally believe the woman in Revelation Ch 12 is Israel at the United Nations—she is among the nations right now and the nations of the world has come against Israel at the UN. She will flee from the nations. Are the nations the river the dragon spews out it mouth like a river to destroy the woman (Revelation Ch 12:15)?
The answer to these questions are difficult. Or are they? If we look at the wicked spiritual condition of the world around us we can clearly see why no one is trying to defend the woman from the dragon. In fact the world, it appears, seems to be demanding the dragon devour the male child.
Let’s look at Revelation Ch 12:5
Revelation Ch 12:5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, the one who will rule all the nations with a staff of iron. But her child was snatched up to God and his throne;
The male child is going to rule ‘All’ the nations with a staff of iron (which is G-D’s Holy Word). In Daniel Ch 8 we read the evildoers must become as evil as possible before the beast arises. Do you think the evildoers will relinquish their evil deeds without a fight? In Revelation Ch 9 the evildoers not killed by the plagues still refuse to turn from their wickedness.
Revelation Ch 9:20 The rest of mankind, those who were not killed by these plagues, even then did not turn from what they had made with their own hands - they did not stop worshipping demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk.
21 Nor did they turn from their murdering, their involvement with the occult and with drugs, their sexual immorality or their stealing.
So we can clearly see why the dragon is standing in front of the woman with no one to protect her. The evildoers are as evil as possible. But what about the churches? Good questions. Let’s investigate.
The church of Laodicea
Revelation Ch 3: 15 "I know what you are doing: you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were either one or the other!
16 So, because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth!
This is the churches of today. Do you believe these type churches—fallen churches—have the courage, desire and heart to protect the woman from the dragon? No.
The dragon is being given the power right now to devour the male child. But G-D isn’t going to allow that to happen. Glory. When the male child is born he is snatched up to G-D and HIS Throne. The woman flees, a battle in Heaven happens, the dragon is cast down, it goes after the woman, the woman is given two great wings of an eagle to fly to her place in the desert, and then the dragon calls the beast out of the nations.
We can clearly see the rapture is, in a very practical sense, a rescue mission to save the male child—the Body of YESHUA; HIS faithful chosen.
Is it time for the rapture? Is the technology in place? Have the evildoers become as evil as possible? Is there a person on the political scene who could be the 8th king/beast? Is the falling away taking place at a rapid pace? Are the churches luke warm? Is the world going to continue to grow more vile and wicked or holy and righteous?
But Paul, I’ve heard that the rapture could happen ever since I was a kid. My parent heard it. My grandparents heard it. Get a life! Right?
It is true prior generations have searched for the Rapture. The only difference is now I believe in the pit of my stomach that donald trump is the 8th king/beast mentioned in Revelation Ch 13 and 17. That evil has deceived how many Christians who think he’s going to ‘Save America’ and make their lives ‘Better’. These people are seeking the things of the flesh instead of the things of the spirit and trump has them deceived right and left. Make America Great Again? Did trump stop abortion when he was in office last time? Outlaw gay marriages? Secure the border? He could have, he didn’t. So what is he going to do this time to ‘Make America Great Again’? By the way, MAGA means witchcraft and sorcery in Latin.
Trumps wife supports gays and abortions. Do your research. Trump was born on a blood moon 700 days before Israel was reborn. He claimed he is the only one who can protect Israel. He said he was the chosen one. Israel sees trump as some sort of savior I fear, and so do countless Americans. When trump was shot and he stood up two lines of blood were on his face, coming from his mouth up his cheek, that resembled a snakes forked tongue. To me that was a major sign from G-D telling us exactly who trump is.
Who does Israel trust and will trust? trump. Who will Israel be willing to sign a covenant with (Daniel Ch 9)? trump. Who named a town in the Golan Heights after trump? Israel. Israel isn’t going to make a covenant with a bunch of hypocritical, lying, democrats. Israel, because they will turn away from G-D, will be deceived by the 8th king/beast for a short while—and many horrible things will happen to the Jewish people and Yerushalayim. But then G-D will pour out on the House of David and those living in Yerushalayim a Spirit of Grace and Prayer and they will look to the one they pierced (Zechariah Ch 12:10).
So the question is: Is it time for the rapture? In my humble opinion: Yes.
When? Possibly before January 20 if trump is the 8th king/beast. If he isn’t then we’ll keep watching. Why January 20th? If trump is the 8th king/beast he had to receive a fatal wound. If the fatal wound happens after January 20 the vice president becomes president and the 9th king. The Book of Revelation clearly states: 8th king. There will be no 9th king. If trump is the 8th king/beast will we be here to see him receive the fatal wound? Maybe? Maybe not? After the beast recovers from the fatal wound the entire earth follows after it in amazement, so I wouldn’t personally see how we would be here—maybe for a very short time? January 20th will be the clear and decisive cut off date.
I want to point out jimmy carter died on yesterday on December 29 2024, during the 4th day of Hanukkah. I believe his death was a sign from G-D.
All we can do is wait and watch. Please keep your eyes open and don’t fall into a false sense of security and allow your mind to become worldly. We have to remain spiritually minded at all time and do as YESHUA/JESUS commanded: Watch!
G-D bless.
Shalom and blessings.
The Commonwealth of Israel's Predestinated Timeline-2027 AD
Blessings and Shalom to you as well. Get some rest.🤗